Help for children with ASD, ADHD and learning difficulties

The CAN DO Program – Children’s Autism and Neuro-Developmental Optimization Program
A lot has changed in twenty years. Back then, I was doing assessments of children who were experiencing problems with attention and learning at school. Whilst various behaviour management strategies could be suggested for parents and teachers to implement, there was no treatment for the underlying issues. Yet these children can suffer enormously – they have problems with self-esteem, often being ridiculed by their peers or coming to the conclusion that they are ‘dumb’ despite having significant strengths.

Too Much Telling

We can sometimes wonder why our child is incommunicative or resistant to our directions or at worst throws a tantrum and embarrasses us in public!

Adapting to Change

At this point in time with the coronavirus pandemic in full swing across the world, we are faced with challenges to our ability to remain positive. When we are faced with changes from our normal or expected situation, some people will be able to adapt to the change and continue to function positively, whereas others will struggle.

What will you be doing with your kids?

With families requiring to self-isolate in coming weeks and months, we will have the task of providing interesting ways of occupying our children. Whilst there are many good sites on the internet, we need to be aware that too much reliance on these sources may come at a cost. A recently published study* investigated the effect of screen-based media use on the brains of young children.

Brain Music

Last week, a participant in a Pain Management Group I run bounded into the room looking and feeling so much better. Asked why, he said, "Last week's session! The music is so helpful." He was referring to music which aims to restore rhythms in the brain's Default Mode Network (DMN) to normal. This music is freely available on YouTube.


The Centre for Healthy Living is a place where allied health professionals provide help and service as independent private practitioners. The Centre does not provide emergency or acute mental health services. People in need of these services should contact their GP or the Mental Health Unit at the Warwick Base Hospital.

Contact us

The Centre for Healthy Living
14 Freestone Road, Warwick

Phone: 617 4661 3340
Fax: 617 4667 1333